Chief & Council
Discover Strong, Visionary Leadership at Seabird Island
For over 140 years, Seabird Island has flourished under the guidance of dedicated, community-focused leaders. Our elected Chief and eight-person Council represent our voice locally, provincially, nationally, and within respected First Nations organizations. Their governance upholds our sovereignty while creating new opportunities.
Through strategic initiatives, our Directors and Chiefs have driven incredible growth – evolving our small Band into a thriving force for change. We walk hand-in-hand with our people, confronting each challenge through unity and vision.
Our purpose remains constant: to uplift our community through economic development, education, wellness, and culture. We invest in our entrepreneurs, support students, and improve healthcare from birth onwards.
Soon, full self-governance will allow us to manage our lands as our ancestors once did. This sovereignty will empower future generations while strengthening our nation as a whole.
Our journey continues thanks to fearless, compassionate leaders dedicated to our people. Experience the power of shared purpose at Seabird Island. Together, we will reach new heights.

In the past I was a Council Member for 18 years from 1999 till 2017 when the new election code came into place. For a number of those years I was part of the Council’s executive committee.
I would also like to keep up the work with all levels of non First Nation governments. This needs to be done to have and keep good relations with them. We need to make sure these governments include all the surrounding First Nations councils and their membership.
- Council Executive Committee
- Office of the ED
- Cheque Signer
Our Councillors
Éy Swayél, from Siyolwelh. Her given name is Marcie Peters.
Marcie’s mother Stella Garner and Grandmother, Annie Garner were from Union Bar First Nation. She was raised by Tiny and Henry Pettis.
Marcie is a survivor of the St. Mary’s Residential School.
In her time on Council, she has brought to the table her experience and knowledge on housing matters, property management, and capital projects. Marcie is a Community Member who likes being involved with families helping in any way she can. She has been fortunate to have had cultural teachers in the community who taught her our protocols and traditional ways. This is ongoing learning.
In her free time Marcie goes to her ancestral home, wind drying and canning fish. Also, she takes pride in working in her yard and flower garden.
Ey swayél,
Squa:thom tel skwíx. My last 2 terms on Council have been an honour to serve our people. Though my passion hasn’t waned for working on the betterment of our community. My mission remains to be continuing to strengthen our governance while also moving towards self-governance. Self-governance meaning that we assert our rights to determining our future instead of the government doing it for us. However, our progress hinges on our connection and support to the Tiyt Tribes, so that we can assert our rights and title.
I’ve gotten to be heavily involved in the development of the 10-year health plan. The process has been rewarding. The most powerful engagement being the table of family heads, hearing the voices of the matriarchs and patriarchs invokes hope for our future, that we can make change together. It all relies on the Council table acting and managing accountability, especially the CAO/ Executive Director Accountability. The CAO/Executive Director is key for the direction at council to be carried out and implemented.
Education has also made some unique progress with education jurisdiction that I’ve been able to be involved in. Education jurisdiction allowing us to govern the accreditation of our culture.
Additionally, the progress of economic prosperity for the development corporation is back on track. We have published our first annual report and plan to report on the first 10 years in 2023. We have been able to reinvest into scholarships, post secondary students and pay back the band. Meaning we are ready to implement our strategic plan where our earnings support our people, culture, and services financially.
I have been proud of the development in the Rights and Title program. The additional professionals have created a legitimacy for our stewardship of our traditional territory. We need to expand our involvement to support the Tiyt Tribes to bring the resources and change with developing talks with BC and Canada.
Our future is bright, everything is within our grasp. It relies on the involvement of the community going forward.
Hello, my name is Willow Walker, I have lived and grown up in our beautiful Community, I graduated from Seabird Island Community School. My parents are Betty and Orville Walker, my Grandparents were Bertha *Birdie* and Stanley Peters.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Our Community Members for allowing me to take on this new position as Councillor. Also thank you to the staff and administration for being supportive as we take on these new roles in Chief and Council.
There have been a few meetings since we have taken on these roles, I have been listening and learning how the meetings are carried out, and my role as Councillor. I am looking forward to working within my portfolios and with our Seabird Island Members. I have also sat in on meetings outside of my Portfolios, as I am very interested in learning as much as I can on how everything runs and works.
With Covid restrictions lifted we are looking forward to seeing everyone, having gatherings, celebrations, and in person meetings. We need to come together as a Community, hear the problems and issues, find ways to help where its needed and work together, as a Community. I’d like to encourage all Seabird Island members to come out to meetings, lets work together, and continue to build up and take care of our People and Community.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Paul Andrew
Marcia Peters (Marcie)
Rodney Peters
Ashley Bobb
Sally Hope
- Inter-Governmental Affairs/Ab Rights & Title
- Natural Resources
- Forestry
- Gravel
- Fish & Wildlife
- Policy Writer
- Policy Analyst
- Administration Department/Audit Committee
- HR
- IT
- Finance
- Sq’ep
- Development Corporation Board (Sqewqel)
- Education, K-12, Post Secondary, College
- Employment Services
- College Board
- Education Committee