Drivers’ Education

The open road awaits. Learning to drive opens up new horizons of independence and opportunity. With each lesson, you gain the skills and confidence to handle the wheel with competence and safety. Stay focused on the destination of becoming a licensed driver. Trust in your abilities, learn from every curve in the road, and you’ll soon have the freedom to pursue new directions. We believe in you and are here to guide you on this journey. You’ve got this – let’s hit the road!

Learn to Drive with Us

The objective of our driver’s education program is to provide step-by-step guidance and support to learners seeking to acquire their “L” license, gain essential driving skills through behind-the-wheel lessons, and work towards passing the “N” road test. This is open to all Seabird Island members/Community members/Pre-employment supports program clients/Seabird Island Schools (High School & Seabird Island College Students). Driving school students can progress on their timeline while accessing our vehicles for road tests. We aim to equip each learner with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become a licensed, safe driver.

Explore our Driving Lesson

Our 60 minute driving lessons include:

  • Minimum 45 minutes behind-the-wheel practice
  • Expert instruction from licensed teachers

Contact us to begin your lessons and get licensed.

Start Your Driving Journey With Us

Gain skills, confidence and freedom behind the wheel. Contact us to start lessons and get licensed today!

Learn More and Get Started:

Call: (604) 796-2177


Schedule an appointment at our Band Office location.

Have a question? Reach out and connect.

We look forward to walking this path with you.

Our Band Office