Mekw'xólhmet( Taxation and Land Governance)
"Take Care Of Everything Together"

Business Permit Applications

Codes & Law

Business Permits Expire At The End Of Each Calendar Year

Seabird Island Band’s Business Permit Law is to record and regulate businesses on Seabird Lands. This law applies to the whole area of the reserve and Seabird Lands described in the Land Code and any person who:
  • Advertises or indicated by any means as being open for business of any kind
  • Deals in or buys, sells, barters, rents, or displays any commodity or service or offer by advertisement or otherwise, on behalf of himself or others; to buy, sell, barter, or rent any commodity or service
  • Engages in soliciting or promoting any commodity or service
  • Renders or offers to render professional, personal, contract, or other services service to any person for the purpose of gain or profit.
  • Engages in repairing, restoring, or servicing automobiles, appliances, or other commodities not owned or registered in the name of that person or firm, within or on Seabird Lands shall be deemed to be carrying on a business.
  • Where a business is carried out in or from more than one home, structure, or parcel of land on or within Seabird Lands, the Business carried in or from each premises shall be deemed to be a separate business.
Exemptions include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Public schools
  • Teaching of music, handicrafts, or art as a home occupation where such teaching involves not more than one class of 5 students at one time
  • Garage sales or yard sales fewer than 4 days per year of sales
  • Subject to meeting health requirements set out in applicable laws, sales of catered foods or baked goods cooked in the home of a member or occupant of Seabird Lands
  • Non-commercial periodic fund-raising events by Seabird Members or organizations or occupants of Seabird Lands
    Creation and sale of carvings, crafts, and other artwork and crafts by Members,
  • Small-scale home-based activities by Seabird Members or occupants of Seabird Lands including Avon, Herbalife, Tupperware and locally made crafts
  • No business permit shall be granted for Businesses requiring other authorizations until the applicant has demonstrated that the applicable preconditions have been met including the following:
  • For any premises, confirmation from the Seabird Lands Department that the proposed use of the land or premises complies with the Seabird Development law, 2015 and the Seabird Land Zoning and Land Use Law 2015, and any other applicable land use or zoning laws
  • For any premises, proof of compliance with all applicable fire safety regulations
  • For an automobile dealership proof of licensing under the provincial Motor Dealers Act
  • For a daycare, proof of licensing under the provincial Child Care Licensing Regulation
  • For the preparation distribution and selling of foods (e.g., restaurants, grocery stores, hot dog stands, etc.) other than pre-packaged or pre-bottled foodstuffs, proof of a Food Service Permit under the Provincial Food Premises Regulation
  • For tattoo parlours, piercing or body modification services, and hairdressing and manicure services, proof of approval by a Health Official under the provincial Health Act

Lands Advisory Notices

Enbridge is conducting environmental field studies within Seabird Island’s Reserve and Traditional Territory to inform project planning for the proposed Sunrise natural gas pipeline expansion. Surveys will assess potential impacts and gather data on fish, wildlife, vegetation, wetlands, soils, watercourses, and archaeology. Studies scheduled between September 2023 to September 2024 aim to incorporate Indigenous knowledge while meeting regulatory requirements. Enbridge seeks Seabird Island’s guidance and participation in field activities. All crews will have identification and obtain necessary permits. Studies will shape pipeline routing, facility siting, and mitigation strategies. Learn more and provide input by contacting Enbridge.
Sunrise Expansion Program

Seabird Island Band (SIB) is updating its 2012 Environmental Management Plan. It is critical to assess whether compliance with the EMP has succeeded in improving the environmental resources found on our lands and/or the environmental behaviour of our members’ management of these resources.

The SIB EMP is a statement of environmental goals, actions, and strategies to guide the Seabird Island administration and members, on land stewardship, our responsibility to the lands, resources, and waters which we have enjoyed and protected since time immemorial.

In the 2012 EMP, Environmental Operating Procedures (EOPs) were developed for:

· Solid Waste Management;
· Ground and Surface Water Protection;
· Wastewater Management;
· Air Quality;
· Soil Management;
· Habitat Protection;
· Fuel Handling and Storage;
· Environmental Assessment; and
· Environmental Emergency Response.

The Survey will provide you with the opportunity to comment on the effectiveness of the 2012 EMP and provide an opportunity to identify any new environmental issues/priorities.

If you have any questions or would like further information regarding this questionnaire or the 2012 EMP, pleasecontact Lands at:

Since 2020, AAFC and the Seabird Island band have been working on a co-developed project to revitalize Seabird Island community access to wild berries. In 2021 and 2022, our team screened and identified insect pests and natural enemies associated with native berries of importance to the Seabird Island community. This year we would like to continue the project by identifying sites for wild berry cultivation by predicting suitable habitat based on environmental conditions. The overall goal will be to provide information that could guide management for berry production or repopulation.
We would like to start our work with just one of your favourite wild berry species.

Please help us to decide by answering the survey:

You can fill out the survey here

Starting on Monday, January 22, 2024 several staff from Geo Verra and Enbridge will be surveying through Seabird Island Reserve lands over the next 2-3 weeks.

Read the full details

SIB Land Management

The term for (3) committee positions are up for renewal:

One (1) Elder positions and two (2) regular committee positions.

The term for this appointment is for (4) years.

The Chief & Council are looking for interested and passionate individuals to fill the open positions for the Land Advisory Committee (LAC)

These individuals are required to be proactive in reviewing, assessing, and anticipating the land needs, and anticipating any changes that may affect the land needs of the Seabird Membership. Click the image below for details.

Nova Pacific Environmental Ltd. (NPE) was retained by Spruce Hollow Heavy Haul Ltd. (the “Proponent”) to complete an Environmental Assessment (EA) for future use impacts on land being leased at the Wahleach Yard on Seabird Island Reserve Land in Agassiz, BC (the “Site”). The Site is located at Wahleach Crossing Road where it branches off of Highway 7 approximately 25 km south of Hope BC. The Site is underlain by the Agassiz Aquifer and is approximately 260 m west of a braided section of the Fraser River.
This EA report describes the current and historic condition of the property, the Valued Environmental Components (VECs) and Valued Social Components (VSCs) of the Site and surrounding area, an assessment of cumulative effects and provides recommendations for mitigating potential impacts of proposed land use activities on the environment. The VECs and VSCs considered in this EA include, but are not limited to:
– groundwater;
– fish and fish habitat, including surface water;
– vegetation and wildlife;
– social considerations, including water quality, air quality and noise; and,
– archaeology.
The proposed use of the leased land is temporary parking and storage of long-haul transport trailers carrying green energy equipment and personal vehicles of the drivers (the “Project”).
Seabird Island Band is looking for member input on the proposed lease and the environmental assessment. Please share your comments by June 1, 2023, at 4 PM.

Read the full document here

Submit any comments to the Seabird Lands Department: