- 604-796-2177
- webdev@seabirdisland.ca
- 2895 Chowat Road, Agassiz, BC
Safety is our priority as we reopen. COVID-19 and Flu precautions include:
• Masking is recommended in Band Office common areas, when you are unwell.
• Please stay home if sick to reduce germ spread and recover faster.
Together, we emerge stronger, resilient, and ready for collective healing.
Sq’éwqel is hosting this workshop in partnership with Stó:lō Community Futures.
Join the 2025 Mix Gender Boxing Class at Mill Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
We are excited to be offering a Basic Level First Aid course for Seabird Island staff…
She makes for the perfect FireSmart messenger because of her unique characteristics…
Please send Quote including charge per plate and contact information.
Did you know simple changes around your home can make the biggest difference?
We share the following information for the safety and well-being of all our people.
First responders will be going door-to-door to conduct an evacuation drill.
Due to the scheduled BC Hydro power outage on Sq’éwqel, free tickets…
Updating the Community on the 2024 status of Maria Slough…
FREE service, including free CO detector installation plus furnace filter change…
Join us in spreading kindness and embracing a vibrant message of acceptance!
Join us for a fun, healthy community walk/run with activities and lunch!
For an appointment, please contact your Community Health Representative (CHR) or…
BC Hydro will be performing work to their system in this area that requires them…
Transportation will be available. For further details, please contact Janean with Events.
Please send Quote including charge per plate and contact information.
Seabird Island Employment Services will be providing Bus Transportation the day of the event.
Seabird Island is updating the Membership Code and wants your input!
The Mobile Diabetes Team serves First Nations communities across Southern BC…
Experience the Seabird Island Festival on May 23 – 25. Stay tuned for more details!
Seabird Island Employment Services will be providing Bus Transportation the day of the event.
Stay safe this winter with these essential cold-weather safety tips!
Seabird Island is updating the Membership Code and wants your input.
Cost: Free for participants
Please use the QR Code to select movie & number of attendants.
To ensure our Community remains informed, please remember on yílà:welhát (Monday), January 20…
Enbridge is pleased to invite all Seabird Island Community Members to an open house and community dinner!
All passengers and drivers are required to wear a mask, while inside a Seabird vehicle.
Invitation to JHSC members and prospective new members to attend the JHS Committee meeting…
Support Our Community! Help the Lands program improve support for animals and their caregivers.
Sq’ewqel warmly invites Elders, Community Members, Council, Families, Students, Staff and Partner-Communities…
Please send Quote including charge per plate and contact information.
Please join the Facebook Group “Seabird Mental Health – Yoga + Wellness” for more information, updates and to sign up for classes.
The expectation is for this mask mandate to end by spring of 2025, as respiratory illness rates decrease.
Where First Nations Leaders and the B.C. Cabinet come together.
We are pleased to share that the Housing Team is undergoing notable development.
The Seabird Island Band invites members to the Sq’éwqel Quarterly Band Meeting (Q3) on Wednesday, January 15, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM
Cheques will remain available for pick-up at the Seabird Island Band Office until January 10, 2025.
Band Members must fill out a form to be eligible for this year’s hampers. You are not required to submit a hamper form again if you have already done so.
To remain eligible to maintain your spot on the Housing List, Housing Rental Renewals are required on an annual basis.
To support our clients and Community, we will ensure some essential services remain available, and depending on weather conditions, we may also have warming stations open.
There will be NO Garbage, Recycle or Major pick-up for week of December 30, 2024 to January 3, 2025
Sq’éwqel (Seabird Island) Employment Services Career Fair. Free admission and door prizes!
Please be advised that the Seabird Island gym kitchen will be temporarily closed due to renovations.
To ensure our Community remains informed of changes as they occur, we are sharing the following information…
Holiday safety tips: ladder use, decoration precautions, and winter driving preparedness.
Seabird Island has been selected as one (1) of only two (2) communities to participate in a pilot project.
Trust cheques are available for band members who turned 18 from June 1 to December 31, 2024.
The District of Kent has provided notice for a road closure on December 19, 2024, from 3-9 PM due to the CPKC Holiday Train Event.
Please be aware, vehicle break-ins are often a case of “opportunity” for thieves, especially during this time of year.
We received confirmation that the arrival of our new mobile trailer office space will take place tomorrow.
Chair Yoga for a healthier you. Gentle movements and lasting benefits. No Experience required.
If you wish to register, registration is required by January 1, 2024.
You are warmly invited to bring your friends and family to celebrate Klésmes (Christmas) Eve Mass with us.
Sq’éwqel is pleased to announce the release of our 2023/2024 Annual Report.
A local team called ESS For Nations is hosting a training session January 15th at Leq:a’mel and is looking for volunteers.
Please note that parking is limited, carpool if possible. Parking is available on Little Bear Lane. We will have a shuttle available to the venue.
The Band is a community, and one that provides services to members and beyond.
We provide a vital link for First Nations people to access Health and Education services as well as create economic opportunities for First Nations people to build thriving First Nations families and communities.
2895 Chowat Road,
P.O. Box 650,
Agassiz BC, V0M 1A0
Phone: 1-604-796-2177
Toll-free: 1-800-788-0322
Fax: 1-604-796-3729
E: webdev@seabirdisland.ca
Business hours
Weekdays 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Closed on all statutory holidays.