Respectful Behaviour Policy

Under Canadian law, federal employers are responsible for providing an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. The goal of the Respectful Behaviour Policy is to recognize the dignity and worth of every person and to create a climate of understanding and mutual respect.  The purpose is to promote a safe, healthy, respectful, and positive environment for members of the Band, the public, volunteers, staff, and Council when interacting. To this end, the goal of the Policy is to define behaviour that may negatively impact the experience of others or creates unsafe conditions, and how these behaviours will be addressed when it occurs.

To read our policy, please click here >

Who does the policy apply to?

The Respectful Behaviour Policy applies to all persons (the public, members, residents, non-residents, volunteers, tenants, consultants, contractors, staff, and Council) within Seabird Island facilities, and at any other location where Seabird Island employees are present. The Respectful Behaviour Policy is intended to align with the Canadian and Provincial laws, Seabird Island’s Human Resources Policy Manual, Code of Conduct, Harassment and Discrimination, and the Health and Safety and Violence in the Workplace policies.

This policy applies to in-person interactions and all forms of verbal communication (for example, by telephone) and written communication (for example, by email and social media).

Inappropriate Behaviour

  • Harassment and bullying;
  • Discrimination;
  • Sabotaging a person’s work;
  • Spreading malicious gossip or rumours;
  • Engaging in harmful or offensive initiation practices;
  • Making personal attacks based on someone’s private life and/or personal traits;
  • Making aggressive or threatening gestures;
  • Engaging in targeted social isolation;
  • Theft of property;
  • Vandalism of any kind;
  • Illegal consumption of alcohol, drugs or other substances;
  • The use of all cell phones, cameras, video recording devices, personal digital devices, or any other equipment with video or photographic abilities in change rooms and public washrooms;
  • Publicly engaging in a lewd act;
  • Display of lewd, illegal or offensive material including pornography or material that includes violent acts, indecency, hate, illegal gambling or profanity, as well as material with text or imagery that has explicit or malicious intent;
  • Refusal to follow rental agreement and all other related Codes/Laws/Bylaws/Policies/Procedures; Provincial or Federal Statutes;
  • Blocking thoroughfares/corridors/stairways/exits;
  • Engaging in horseplay, including running in throughways, corridor, and stairwells;
  • Causing unsanitary conditions (i.e., chewing tobacco, expulsion of bodily fluids, etc.); and
  • Use of profanity or obscene language;
  • Violence of any kind including:
    • Aggressive or intimidating verbal assaults; calling someone derogatory names
    • Threats and/or attempts to intimidate;
    • Harassment which may include the wearing of attire, the displaying of material or the use of language that is intolerant of human rights;
    • Deliberate throwing of articles in an aggressive or disruptive manner;
    • Actual or attempted physical assaults of another person;
    • Sexual violence;
    • Attempts to goad or incite violence in others;
    • Possession of weapons.
    • Any criminal behaviour.

Responding and Reporting

Who is expected to report an incident or make a complaint?

Any person who:

  • Feels that their rights under the Respectful Behaviour Policy have been violated;
  • Witnesses harassment or bullying of anyone under this Policy; or,
  • Reasonably suspects that someone is being or has been harassed or bullied against contrary to this Policy is expected to report the incident or make a complaint under the Policy.

Reporting a complaint:

Take notes of the offensive conduct by writing down what happened, the time and date(s) when it happened and the names of those who were present. Write down what was said and done by both you and the person whose conduct was offensive and report the incident.

  • If you are a Committee Member making a report or complaint, contact the Committee Chair (Council Representative) who will also contact the Executive Director if the report/complaint is against an employee.
  • If you are an employee making a report or complaint, contact your Direct Supervisor and/or Human Resources.
  • If you are a guest making a report or complaint, contact the Director of the department overseeing the employee.
  • If the person that you are directed to contact above is the offender, instead contact that individual’s Director (if employee), or the Chief (if Committee Member).


Always treat people the way you want to be treated—with respect. Respect can be heard in a person’s tone of voice, in their nonverbal communication, and in how they address you. It can be observed by how they listen to you and ask questions to make sure they understand your point of view. Respect builds a healthy environment. A professional, respectful working culture encourages productivity and growth.

We believe that collaboration and working together are essential to ensuring and improving health and well-being. We communicate honestly and openly and value the contributions of every person. We value our ability to listen, to learn from each other and to continuously improve.

We all have a responsibility to ensure people are treated with respect and dignity.

We all have the responsibility to address and report inappropriate behaviour.